Y PPA Manager es una herramienta creada por Andrew de Web Upd8 que está en estado pre-Alpha y tiene como meta facilitar la instalación de repositorios ppa. Pero no sólo la instalación, sino buscarlos en Launchpad; eliminarlos y/o purgarlos.
Se trata de un simple Script que usa YAD para la interfaz de usuario.
Estas son las características oficiales:
- Add PPA
- Delete PPA – displays all the enabled PPAs (disabled PPAs will not be listed) and you can delete any PPA from that list
- Purge PPA – uses the “ppa-purge” tool to downgrade the packages in the selected PPA to the version in the official Ubuntu repositories and disables that PPA
- List packages in a PPA enabled on your computer – lists all the packages that are available for your Ubuntu version in the selected PPA (only PPAs that you have added to your system and are enabled will show up here)
- Search in all Launchpad PPAs – will perform a search in all the Launchpad PPAs for the package you enter in the search form. The search uses the Launchpad PPA search so it may return empty PPAs if the PPAs have a description that matches your search, or a PPA with packages for a different Ubuntu version then your current Ubuntu version (or the Ubuntu version you’ve set Y PPA Manager to search for – see info regarding the settings below). You will be able to perform the following operations on a PPA: add it, list all the packages in that PPA for your Ubuntu version (or the Ubuntu version you’ve set Y PPA Manager to search for in the settings) - including the package versions, download selected packages from a PPA, copy PPA link(so you can then paste it in a web browser).
- Settings – there is no GUI option for this yet. But you can modify a few settings by editing the /etc/y-ppa-manager.conf file (you’ll find info on the possible settings inside that file). Options include: setting the Ubuntu version for the “Search all Launchpad PPAs” feature, setting the PPA-Purge behavior (automatic – the user will not be prompted; manual: a terminal window will open asking the user what to do from the available list of options in aptitude) and setting the PPA .deb download path.
Problemas conocidos.
Como toda versión Pre-Alpha tiene ciertos errores que se irán corrigiendo con el correr de sus desarrollo.
- The icons (which are actually .desktop files) in the main Y PPA Manager interface are not sorted properly. This is a very weird issue, either related to YAD or Ubuntu (so it’s not a bug in Y PPA Manager) as the desktop files are properly sorted when running the script locally yet they seem to be displayed randomly when installing the .deb. If you know how to fix this, please let me know!
- I haven’t added progress bars to Y PPA Manager as I find them useless. If you have a good Internet connection, they would only be displayed for a second, however if this will be requested, I can implement it.
- There is a delay when adding a PPA on a computer which has the GPG key server port blocked. It eventually works but you’ll have to wait a bit – this is not a bug in Y PPA Manager (you’ll experience the same thing when using the “add-apt-repository command). Hopefully the Ubuntu GPG keyserver will change the port sometime to prevent such issues.
Debería funcionar en Karmic, Lucid, Maverick, Natty, y basta con ejecutar estos comandos en la terminal:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager
Conforme los comentarios, por alguna extraña razón el programa no se lleva bien con LinuxMint; pero el problema está en el Script del programa; por lo que tras una edición, todo debería funcionar.
Este hack deberemos hacerlo tras cada actualización que recibamos del programa. Al menos hasta que sea incorporado en el mismo programa como una solución definitiva.
Para editar el Script basta con tipear en la terminal:
sudo gedit /usr/biin/y-ppa-cmd
Buscamos la palabra UBUVER. Y es acá donde tendremos que probar las dos soluciones que aparecieron hasta el momento.
- Buscamos case $UBUVER in y sustituimos
; ó - Buscamos UBUVER=’lsb_release -cs’ y reemplazamos por
; eventualmente porUBUVER='maverick'
Esto se debe a que Julia está asada en Maverick Meerkat
Gracias dinpel por traernos este hack